Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/589

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Mi-nibtfs. ix

191 1 Richardson, Miss Ethel, B.A., Wyss Wood, Wticonics Kuad, Kenley, Surrey.

1900. Rivers, \V. H. R., Esq., .M.D., F.R.S., St. John's College, Cam-

bridge. 1911. R6heim, G., Esq., 35 Hermina-ut, Budapest, Hungary.

1903. Rorie, D., Esq., M.D., CM., i St. DevenicU Terrace, Cults,

Aberdeenshire. 1913. Roscoe, v., Esq., M..\., Sec, Teachers' Registration Council, College of Preceptors, Bloomsbury Square, W'.C.

1909. Roscoe, Rev. John, Ovington Rectory, Watton, Norfolk.

1901. Rose, H. .A., Esq., Ludihaud, Punjab, India, c/o Grindlay & Co.,

54 Parliament Street, S.W.

1910. Rose, H. J., Esq., 840 Lome Crescent, Montreal, Canada.

c. 1891. Rouse, \V. H. D., Esq., Litt.D., Perse School House, Glebe Road, Cambridge ( Vice-President). 1913. Routh, H. v., Esq., 21 York Buildings, .\delphi, W.C.

1904. Rutherford, Miss Barbara, 196 Ashley Gardens, .S.W.

1890. Savage, The Rev. Canon E. B., M..\., F.S.A., St. Thomas's Vicarage, Douglas, Isle of Man. c. 1879. Sayce, The Rev. Professor A. H., M.A., LL.D., D.D., 8 Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh (Vice-President).

1911. Schmidt, Dr. F. S., St. Gabriel Modling, Vienna, .\ustria.

1887. Scott, Sir J. G., K.C.I.E., 53 Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood,


191 2. Searle, W. T., Esq., 5 and 6 Hand Court, Bedford Row, W.C.

1888. S^billot, M. Paul, 80 Boulevard St. Marcel, Paris (Hon. Member).

1895. Seligmann, C. G., Esq., M.D., 36 Finchiey Road, N.W. 1909. Sell, Frank R., Esq., Central College, Bangalore, India.

1906. Seton, M. C, Esq., 13 Clarendon Road, Holland Park, W. 1903. Seyler, Clarence A., Esq., Hindfell, Coedsaeson, Sketty, Swansea. 1909. Shakespear, Col. J., The Residency, Imphal, Manipur State, Assam :

Burton House, Staines Rd., Twickenham. 1909. Sharp, Cecil J., Esq., Dragonfield, Uxbridge. 1900. Shewan, A., Esq., Seehof, St. Andrews, P'ife.

1913. Sidgwick, .\., Esq., M.A., 64 Woodstock Rd., Oxford. 1894. Sikes, E. E., Esq., St. John's College, Cambridge.

1896. Simpkins, J. E., Esq., Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh.

1913. Singer, .Arpad, Esq., Vicenza, Meadway, Hampstead (larden Suburb,

N.W. 1913. Singer, Mrs. H., Vicenza, Mcadway, Hampstead Gardrn Suburb,

N.W. 1896. Singer, Professor, 2 Lanpenstrasse, Bern, Switzerland.

1907. Singh, H. H. The Raja Sir Bhuri, Chamba, vid Dalhousie, Punjab,

per King, King & Co., Bombay. 1900. Skeat, Walter W., Esq., M.A., Romeland Cottage, St. .Albans.