Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/7

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I.—(March, 1914.)
Minutes of Meetings: November 19th and December 17th, 1913, and January 21st, 1914 1
The Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting: November 19th, 1913 3
The Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Council 5
Cash Account for 1913 10
Presidential Address: Folklore and Psychology. R. R. Marett 12
The Influence of Environment upon the Religious Ideas and Practices of the Aborigines of Northern Asia. M. A. Czaplicka 34
The Holi: a Vernal Festival of the Hindus. W. Crooke 55
II.—(July, 1914.)
Minutes of Meetings: March 18th and April 22nd, 1914 145
“Hook-swinging” in India. J. H. Powell 147
Bringing in the Fly.” Percy Manning 198
III.—(September, 1914.)
Minutes of Meetings: May 20th and June 17th, 1914 281
Souling, Clementing, and Catterning”: C. S. Burne 285
On the Origin of the Egyptian Zar. Brenda Z. Seligmann 300
Folk-Tales from Western Ireland. L. M‘Manus 324
IV.—(December, 1914.)
Minutes of Meetings: November 18th and December 16th, 1914 409
The Chevauchée de St. Michel. E. F. Carey 411
On the Evidential Value of the Historical Traditions of the Baganda and Bushongo. E. Sidney Hartland 428
Some Notes on East African Folklore. A. Werner 457