Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 26, 1915.djvu/234

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2 24 S/ioJi Bibliographical N^oticcs.

The work comprises in all two hundred and sixty-six tales. It is perhaps the most important collection of oriental folk-tales pub- lished in recent years. In the case of many tales a note is appended giving parallels from Indian and other sources. Mr. Parker is a well-known Sinhalese scholar, and his transcripts and versions may be accepted with confidence. The notes are interesting, and record many curious beliefs and usages of the natives of the island. The work may be strongly commended to students of folk-tales.

The Golden Bough : A Study in Magic and Religion. By J. G. Frazer, Kt. Third edition. Vol. XII. : Bibliography and General Index. Pp. vi -h 536. London, Macmillan & Co., 1915- The publication of a Bibliography and General Index to The Golden Bough marks the completion of a great achievement. The work as it progressed has been several times discussed in these pages, and by general admission it is the most important contribution to anthropology and folklore which has appeared in the present generation. The value of the work is largely increased by this volume. The new Index incorporates those of the separate volumes, but it has been considerably extended, and has been constructed on generous lines. We knew, of course, that a wealth of learning had been devoted to TJie Golden Bough, but until we were confronted with 144 pages of closely printed book titles, we could hardly realize the extent of the author's reading, not con- fined to standard authors but searching the by-ways of anthropo- logical and folklore literature.

Books for Reiiicw should be addressed to The Editor of Folk- Lore, c/o Messrs. Sidgwick & Jackson, Adam St., Adelphi, London, W.C.