Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 26, 1915.djvu/385

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Catalogue of Brand Material. 375

SCILLY. sports and Pastimes.

(1760). Cock-throwing.

Stone-throwing (assailants tripped up with rope). (1794). Music and dancing at taverns.



Pancakes (crepes); an old local custom, or would not be

universal as they are. Children's rhyme about them.



I. Things formerly forbidden or disapproved by authority, still trace- able in Popular Custom.


{a) Marriage.

" Marry in Lent, live to re- pent " - - - - North Country.

[b) Eating Meat.

" Beef and bacon's out of

season " (children's rhyme

at Shrovetide - - - Oxon. " Here's long life to the Pope

and death to thousands "

(fishermen's toast) - - Cornwall. " Here's to his Holiness the

Pope," etc. (fishermen's

toast) - * - - - Suffolk (Lowestoft).

(c) Particular Recreations.

Card-playing (up to modern

times) - - - - Yorks. (Masham).

II. Things Allowed.

[a) Eating Cakes, Fish, Pulse.

" Cymnels and Wafers and

Marchpane " - - - Aubrey (1686).