Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 26, 1915.djvu/436

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422 Reviews.

The clan-organization of all the tribes is not so strict as that of the Gilyak. It varies from tribe to tribe. But it is always of importance, because upon it social, religious and political rights and duties depend. The Russians have, however, for purposes of government created among all the tribes artificial divisions, which they call "clans." In studying any of the Siberian peoples, therefore, care must be taken to ascertain the exact form of their clan-organization, and not to confound it with the exotic organization forced upon them by their foreign rulers.

The volume contains a useful glossary of native terms. It would have been very desirable to indicate for the benefit of the English reader the pronunciation of the strange words met with in the course of the book. But scarcely any effort has been made in this direction ; and the values of the various letters are to such a reader conjectural. A bibliography is also added, and a number of excellent plates of the various types of face and costume, and of some of the religious and mortuary customs. Dr. Marett's preface rouses interest in his pupil's work, which the reader will find fully justified.

E. Sidney Hartland.

The People of India. By Sir Herbert Risley, K.C.I.E., C.S.L Pp. xxxii -1-472. Map, 35 plates. Second Edition. Edited by W. Crooke, B.A, Thacker & Co., London, 191 5.

The late Sir Herbert Risley in his preface to the first edition of this work alluded to a complaint made by Mr. Edward Clodd in an article in the Quarterly Revieiv that certain observations of his had been hidden away under the ' prosaic title ' of the Report on the Census of India, 1901. I made the same complaint myself in a review of that Census Report which appeared in Matt in 1904. Sir H. Risley shortly afterwards brought out The People of India, which consisted mainly, as he too modestly phrased it, " of the less dreary portions of my own contributions to the Report," with certain additions and a series of illustrations, taken for the most part from Dalton's Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. The