Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 26, 1915.djvu/448

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Bhavani : worship of, India, 36

Bhil tribe : observance of Dasahra festival, 40

Biddulph, Major J. : account of Dasahra festival, 40

Bihar : observance on last day of the year, 53

Bird : released at Dasahra festival 30 ; worship of, India, 56

Birthmarks : removal of, Scot- land, 93-4

Blackfeet tribe : cruel treatment of by Assiniboins, 21

Blood : sacrifice, a form of expiation, India, 43 ; of vic- tims, rubbed on the forehead, India, 44 ; a protective against evil spirits, India, 45

Bone : use of in amulets, 404-5

Bonfires : lit on gth Novemljer, Worcestershire, 96

Bonjour : a salutation in Guern- sey, 201

Booths : festival rites performed in, 56

Borneo : savage groups in, 19

Bottles : used as amulets, 412

Boulogne : wax figure offered at, 92

Boya tribe : annual hunt, 54

Brahmans : Palewal, horse-bridle worship, 30 ; observance of Dasahra festival, 36-7

Brand Conamittee : catalogue of materials collected by, 355-88

Brer Rabbit : in African folk- lore, 60

" Bringing in the Fly," 400-3

Brittany : the Listener to the Dead, 93

Bromsgrove Fair : sayings about,

97 Brown, G. : Some Nature Myths

from Samoa, 172-81 Browne, Miss F. : Roumanian

Folk Tales, 389-400 Buckinghamshire : site of the

battle of Waterloo, 154 Buddhist festival : survival of,

India, 36 Bulford : Water Stone, legend

of, 167 Bumble bee : brings luck,

Gloucestershire, 210 Burial face downwards : Surrey, 161 Burma, Akha tribe : marriage

customs, 343 Burn, R. : baptism folklore, 213

Burne, Miss C. S. : reviews by — E. W. Swanton, P. Woods, Bygone Haslemere, 106 ; Sir J. Wilson, Lowland Scotch as spoken in Sirathearn District, 335-6 ; her work on the Brand Committee, 359

Butterfly : white, lucky to catch and feed ; coloured, malign, 402-3

Bynion Stone : legend of, 169

Caesar's Hill, Surrey, 161

Cambodia : services rendered by betrothed youths, 343

Camel, the : backbone of used as a charm, Berbers, 235

Cannibalism : West Indies, 261

Canoe-shaped coffins for removal of dead, Indonesia, 141

Capture marriage : Rome, 343

Carnelian beads used as amulets, 233-4, 406

Castle : legend of, Buckingham- shire, 154

Cat : held sacred by Moham- madans, 75-6 ; Ginnees assum- ing shape of, Egypt, 250

Cave : interment in, Indonesia, 149 ; superstition regarding, Sussex, 162

Chameleons and the jenoun, Ber- bers, 251

Chamunda : worship of, India, 32

Changeling : changed by fairies, Scotland, 93

Cheyennes : generosity towards enemies, 21-2

Chiastolite stone : used in amulets, 408

Children : beginning studies, rite of tonsure, 49-50 ; songs of, Durham, Shropshire, 155, 160 ; tickling of, Gloucestershire, 210

Cliina, North : surgical operations, 92

Chivalry in warfare, 21

Cholera ; caused by the jenoun, Berbers, 245

Christianity : its effect on savage mentality, 124

Christmas Day : new clothes to be worn, 97 ; Eve, bees singing on, Worcestershire, 97

Church : building legend, North- amptonshire, 158 ; encircled by children at Cradley, 95-6