Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 28, 1917.djvu/492

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Crosses : chalked at Christmas- tide, 419

Cross roads : unlucky places at Christmastide, 418

Crows : rhyme of, 312

Culture, contact : psychology of, 12 e/ seqq. ; evolution of, 19 ; survival in, 20

Curfew : begins on Guy Fawkes' Day, 82

Curning : begging, 299

Dairy, the : precautionary phrase on entering, 88

Dancing : at witches' meetings, 250. 255

Danes : traditions of, in West Ireland, 432 et seqq.

Da\'id : cursing of, by Shimei, 134 et seq.

Days, unlucky, in Mexico, 330

Dead, the : hospitality to, on Hallow E'en, 75 ; reappear at Hallow E'en, 75

Dead Man's Day : St. Edmund the King's Day, 169

Death rites in Formosa, 130 et seq.

Deaths during the coming year : divined at Hallow E'en, 66 et seq. ; announced at Christmas- tide, 419

Deity, two-faced, the, 236 et seq.

Denbury Hill ; encampment at, 314

Devil, the : cult of, in Christian times, 233 ; his appearance, 235 ; appearing at witches' meetings, 249

Di\ination : at Hallow E'en, 58, 70, 76 et seqq., 80 ; bj- means of peas and ash leaves, 313 ; at Christmastide, 418

Dogs : folk beliefs regarding, 329

Doles, at Hallow E'en, 57

Duck's foot : working evil by means of, 322

Dumb cake : baked at Christmas- tide, 418

Dy'gwyl Tomas : St. Thomas' "Day, 303

Each Ceannan Dubh, an en- chanted horse in Ireland, loi Easter eggs in Scotland, 450 Easter Island : clans in, 339 ; analysis of cultural elements in, 377 ; script of, 374

Ebionism, 289

Eel, the Master, 90

Egg : the first, competition for, in

Easter Island, 343 ; presented

to a god in Easter Island, 349 ;

salted, eaten at Christmastide,

418 Egyptian mythology : queries on,

331 et seq'. Elders : their position in Formosa,

120 Elijah, the prophet : connected

with Khidr, 281 Elisha, the prophet : connected

with Khidr, 282 Elkesaites, the, 286 et seq. Emerson, H. W. : " Folklore from

the Himalaya," 323 et seqq. Encampment, ancient : at Den- bury Hill, 314 Esbat : a meeting of witches, 247 Evergreens : decoration with, at

Christmastide, 419 ; removal of,

423 Evil Eye, the, 318

Fairies : appearing at HaUow

E'en, 67, 75 ; food left for them

at Hallow E'en, 79 ; their

connexion with witches, 257

Falling stars : omens from, 167

Family organisation in Formosa,

119 Fairs : at HaUow E'en, 61 ; on

St. Andrew's Day, 176 Feast, at witches' meetings, 254 Feeing : hiring fairs, 167 Feile Mairtin : St. Martin's Eve, 168 Festivals in November, 53 Figures, wooden : in Easter Island,


Finn and the giants, 183

Fire customs : at Hallow E'en, 55, 63, 69, 79 ; and light at Christmastide, 424; tabu against giving, at Christmastide, 419

First-footing : on Christmas morning, 429 et seqq.

Flesh-brand : the witches' mark.

Flowers, unlucky, 311

" Folk-Lore " : appointment of

editor of, 3 Folk Tales from Co. Limerick, 208 et seqq.

Balsha, 216

Barrel- grown wheat, 210
