Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 5, 1894.djvu/178

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{English books published in London, French books in Paris. unless otherwise inentioned!\

Addy (S. O.). The Hall of Waltheof ; or, the Early Condition and Settlement of Hallamshire. With illustrations by W. Keeling. A. Winterbottom, and J. Moore. 4to. 295 pp. 54 illustrations.

D. Nutt.

Annuaire des Traditions Populaires (for 1894). i2mo. 166 pp. Illustrated. E. Lechevalier.

Bastian (A.). Vorgeschichtliche Schopfungslieder in ihren ethnischen Elementargedanken. Royal 8vo. 146 pp. 2 plates. Berlin :

E. Felber.

BiJTTNER (C. G.). Lieder und Geschichten der Suaheli, iibersetzt und eingeleitet. 8vo. xvi, 202 pp. Berlin : Felber.

Cukasaptati (Textus simplicior), aus dem Sanskrit ubersetzt von R. Schmidt. Kiel : Haesler.

• . • Schmidt's translation affords the non-Sanskritist the best means of studying the earliest form of this important collection of tales, chiefly known by the Persian adaptation styled the Tuti- namah.

Emerson (P. H.). Welsh Fairy Tales and other Stories, collected and edited. i2mo. 87 pp. D. Nutt.

Frankel (L.). Shakespeare und das Tagelied. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte der germanischen Volker. 8vo. 132 pp. 1893. Helwing, Hanover.

Joyce (P. H.). Old Celtic Romances, translated from the Gaelic. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. xx, 446 pp. D. Nutt.

GOMME (Alice Bertha). The Traditional Games of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, with Tunes, Singing Rhymes, and Methods of