Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 5, 1894.djvu/336

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2 8 Reviews.

I need only add, that the form wherein these stories are presented is as attractive as their substance ; they will not only help to fill, but they will also adorn the student's shelves.

E. Sidney Hartland.

CoNTESDE LA Haute Bretagne. Par Paul Sebillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendee et d'Anjcu.

Contributions a l'Etude des Contes Populaires. Par Paul Sebillot. Extrait de la Revue des Tj'aditions Populaires, T. ix, Nos. i a 6. 1894.

L^gendes du Pays de Paimpol. Par Paul Sebillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendee et d'Anjou. 1894. All issued by Le Chevallier, Paris.

M. Sebillot, the secretary of the Societe des Traditions Populaires, has by no means exhausted the stores of folk- tales he has got together from Upper Brittany, and in these tirages a part he has given us fresh instalments from his immense collections. The first consists of twelve stories of ChercJieurs dAventures, and seven concerning the Devil and his transactions with mankind. The Legends from Paimpol are five in number — ghost stories, some of them ghastly enough, from a voluminous manuscript sent to M. Sebillot by M. Galabert, formerly Conwiissaire de la Marine at Paimpol, and are part of the results of his en- quiries made at M. Sebillot's instance among the sailors of the bay of Paimpol.

The most important pamphlet of the three, however, is the Contributions. Readers of the Revue des Traditions Populaires have already taken stock of its contents, and know how valuable they are. Here M. Sebillot has de- ciphered from his notes traditional stories told to him, and resembling more or less a number of the tales of Perrault, Madame D'Aulnoy, Madame Leprince de Beaumont, and Ducray-Duminil, accompanying them with observations