Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 5, 1894.djvu/394

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xviii Officers and Members.

Olflfield, Capt. F. H., R.E., Scottish Conservative Club, Edinbuigh.

Olrik, Axel, Esq., Sortedamsgade, 11, Coi^enhagen, Denmark.

Ordish, T. F., Esq., F.S.A., 41, Great Ormond Street, Queen Square, W.C.

Owen, Rev. Elias, Llanyblodwel Vicarage, Oswesstry.

Owen, Miss Mary A., St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S.A.

<•. Paris, M. Gaston, Membre de I'lustitut, 110, Rue de Bac, Paris.

Paton, W. R., Esq., Calymnos, Turkey, via Smyrna (c.o. Messrs. Burnett

and Reid, 20, King Street, Aberdeen). Peabody Institute, Baltimore, U.S.A., per E. G. Allen, Esq.,2S, Henrietta

Street, W.C. Peacock, E., Esq., F.S.A., Dunstan House, Kirton-in-Liudsey. Peorio, Public Library of, per G. E. Stechert, 30, Wellington Street, Strand. '

W.C. <

Philadelphia, The Library Company of, U.S.A.. per E. G. Allen, Esq., 28,

Henrietta Street, W.C. Phipson, Miss, 6, Goldhurst Terrace West, Hampstead. N.W. Piueau, Mons. Leon, 60, Boulevard Beranger, Tours, France. Pitt-Rivers, General, Rushmore, Salisbury ( Vice- President}. Ploix, Mons. Charles, 1, Quai Malaquais, Paris. Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, per

W. Breudon and Sou. Pockliugton-Coltman, Mrs., Hagnaby Priory, Spilsby, Lincolnshire. Porter, Miss B., 16, Russell Square, W.C.

Potts, W. J., Esq., 529, Cooper Street, Camden, New Jersey, U.S.A. Powell, F. York, Esq., F.S.A., Christ Church, Oxford. Power, D'Arcy, Esq., M.A., M.B., 26, Bloomsbury Square, W.C. Price, F. G. Hilton, Esq., 17, ColUngham Gardens, S. Kensington. S.W. Pulling, Alexander, Esq., 26, Edwardes Square, W. Pusey, S. E. Bouverie, Esq., 57, Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. Pye, William A., Esq., 25, Mark Lane, E.C.

Raynbird, H., Esq., Park View Cottage, Old Basing, Basingstoke.

Reade, John, Esq., 157, Laval Avenue, Montreal, Canada.

Rees, J. Rogers, Esq., Winterbourne, Stanwell Road, Penarth, Cardiff.

Reichel, H. R., Esq., Penrallt, Bangor, N. Wales.

Reynolds, Llywarch,Esq., Old Church Place, Merthyr Tydtil. "m

Rhys, Professor John, 87, Banbury Road, Oxford {Vice-President). *

Risley, H. H., Esq., care of Messrs. Thacker, 87, Newgate Street, El.C.

Rivett-Carnac, J. H., Esq., CLE., F.S.A., M.R.A.S., F.G.S.. Ghazipiir,

India. Rohrscheid and Ebbreke, Buchhandluug, Am Hof, 28, Bonn. Rossall, J. H., Esq., Rock House, Torquay. Rouse, W. H. D., Esq., The College, Cheltenham. Rowley, Walter, Esq., Alder Hill, Meauwood, Leeds.

Salisbury, J., Esq., 48, Fleet Lane, E.C. Sargant, Miss Alice, Quarry Hill, Reigate.