Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 7, 1896.djvu/470

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This Index comprises the names of Authors of Articles in Periodicals in ordinary

rotiian type, of Authors of Books and titles of Books in italics, and the

titles of Periodicals in small capitals.

Academy, 98, 319, 419

Ache lis, Th.T,ii

Adler, C. 98

Am Ur-Quell, 100

Andre, J. L. 98

An dree, P. 41 8

L'Anthroi'OLOGie, 98, 320, 420

Antiquary, 98, 419

Archivio, 99

Arenaprimo, G., 100

Arndt, E. Jlf., 418

Aston, W. G., 215

Aynsley, Mrs. H. G. Murray-, 99

Balladoro, A., 418

Basset, R., 99

Bastian, A., 318

Bayon, R., 99

Benham, AI. S., 215

Berenger-Feraiid, L.J. B., 215

Bergen, F. D., 215

Bielenstein, A. u. E. u. H., 418

Boas, F., 96.

Bonelli, Dr. L. (joint author) 100

Brandt, Mile., 99

Brinton, D. G., 96, 318, 418

British New Guinea, Annual

Report of, 420 Buckland, A. W., 98 Budge, E. A. IF., 31S Bujeaud, f., 96 Bureau of Ethnology, Report

OF, 319

Caland, IV., 418

Caledonian Medical Journal,


Certeux, A., 99

Church Quarterly Review, 320

Cian, V. (joint author), 318

Cibele, A. Nardo-, 99

Contemporary Review, 320, 420

Cooke, J. H., 320

Corsi, G. B., 99

Cowell, E. B. (editor), 96

Creagh, C. V., 320

Culin, S., 98

Gushing, F. H., 319

Dabis, Anna (translator), 418

Dale, G., 320

Dasent, Sir G. (translator), 96 David, F., 215 Davids, T. W. P., 318 De Marc hi, ^.,318 Deschamps, E., 320 Doncieu.\', G. (joint author), 99 Duprey, E., 420

Ernault, E., 99 Etheridge, R., Junr., 320 Evans, H. Silvan-, 319 Evans, W. E., 319

Farnell, L. P., 318 Feilberg, H. F., 100 Ferrand, A., 99 Ferraro, G., 100 Fewkes, J. W., 420 Fortnigtitly Review, 320 Fouju, G. (joint author), 99 Fraser, H. E., 319 Frobenius, L., 420

Gaidoz, H., 99 Gaster, M., 318 Gerini, G. E., 96 Gilbert, E., 96 Goddeti, G. M., 215 Granada, D., 215 G?-anger, F., 96 Grisanti, Prof. C, 99, 100

Ilaas, Dr. A., 100 Haase, K. E., 100 I/addon, A. C., 96 Hamy, E. T., 99 Harou, A., 99 Hartland, E. S., 98, 319 Hart land, E. .9., 418 Ilaupt. H.. 100 Heinrich, F., 215 Hely, B. A., 420 Higgens, E., 96 Hill, G. F., 98, 320

Internationales Archiv Ethnographie, 420

Jacobs, J., 96, 97
