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x VI. VII. VIII. ~ IX. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. .AZRAEL.43:a:%! His appointment.—His son.—Francesco. Tus Unpercrounp FoLK—our BETTERS— THE NAME or ALLAH BE ROUND ABOUT Us!


Their creation, etc.—The name of Allah.—Intercourse with human beings. — Mysterious thefts. — Khuneyfseh. — The abducted wife.—A shepherd’s experience.—Experiences of a good woman.—Of a chieftain’s son.—The frog.—The wedding procession. Nursery TaLes . ; 2;:: Ijbeyneh.—Uhdeydtin.—Bluebeard.see iuactoae SaTIRE.:::‘ Invention of a shrine.—The patriarch.—A learned clergyman. —An almanac.—The fasting monk.—The endangered poultry. —The ill-used camels. AsoutWoman . 4 4 : Treatment of a mother-in-law.—A cunning old woman.—The rebellious owl.—Stories told by a rebellious hoopoe.—The mourner,—The partners.—The merchant and the animals. AsouTANIMALS. : : : F

The dog.—The cat.—The hyzna,.—The fox.—The dib-dib, —The serpent. Asovut Puiants A 5 The olive.—The storax.—The sage.—The lotus and the tamarisk.—The tortoise herb. AsoutCoFFEE3;;::,4 Its discovery—First uses.—Subject of religious controversy. —Customs among the desert Arabs. — Hsh-Sheykh esh Shadhilly.—The Bedawi and the Memlak. SomeMaaicCurgs ‘ A S : : Mimmia. —Indtlko.—Fresktra.—Charms.—Translation of a typical Kanii. A Porutar CALENDAR AND SOME SAYINGS Notes PAGE 176 188 214 234 246 261 286 290 297 303 311