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Minutes of Meetings.

WEDNESDAY, 16th APRIL, 1919.

Mr. A. R. Wright (Vice-President) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Mr. W. T. Oatley, Mr. R. W. Beswick and Mr. W. M. McGovern as members of the Society was announced.

Mrs. Murgoci read a paper entitled “Customs connected with death and burial among the Roumanians," which was profusely illustrated by lantern slides: and in the discussion' which followed, the Chairman, Miss Raleigh, Dr. Hildburgh, Capt. R. W. Bullard and Mr. Elphege Janone took part. Mr. Wright exhibited a number of specimens of Roumanian dress and ornaments, and portions of coliva (partaken of at Roumanian funeral ceremonies) which had been prepared by Mrs. Murgoçi were partaken of by the audience.

The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Murgoçi for her paper.