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Minutes of Meetings.

With the Macedonians, by C. Stephanove, presented by the Author.

Bulgares et Grecs, by J. Ivanoff, presented by the Author.

Les luttes politiques de Bulgares Macedoniens, by G. Strezoff, presented by the Author.

Le Bulgariè et son peuple, by N. Mikoff, presented by the Author.

La Serbe et le mouvement national bulgare, by M. Mintschew, presented by the Author.

Pour la peuple Bulgare, by Prof. Dr. A. Fosel, presented by the Author.

Un peuple calomnie, by B. Vélianoff, presented by the Author.


The President (Dr. A. C. Haddon) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Captain C. H. Crace and Mr. Geoffrey Phibbs as members of the Society and the enrolment of the Penzance Library and Messrs. Lehmann and Stage of Copenhagen as subscribers were announced.

The resignations of Sir B. C. A. Windle, Mrs. Edge Partington, and Col. Basevi were also announced.

Dr. Gaster gave an address on “Roumanian Charms and Conjurations,” his daughter reading specimens of the Charms he had collected by way of illustration; and in the discussion which followed the President, Miss Hull, Miss Rashleigh, Mr. A. R. Wright and Sir Everard Thurn took part.

The Meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Gaster for his address and to his daughter for her reading in illustration of it.