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custodian of the 'possums. He was the most sought man on the ground.

"How dem 'possums comin' on?" asked one.

"Comin' on!" replied Jabez. "'Comin' on' ain't no name fu' it. Why, I tell you, dem animals is jes' a-waddlin' a'ready."

"O-o-mm!" groaned a hearer, "Chris'mus do seem slow a-comin' dis yeah."

"Why man," Jabez went on, "it 'u'd mek you downright hongry to see one o' dem critters. Evah time I looks at 'em I kin jes' see de grease a-drippin' in de pan, an' dat skin all brown an' crispy, an' de smell a-risin' up—"

"Heish up, man!" exclaimed the other; "ef you don't, I 'll drap daid befo' de time comes."

"Huh-uh no, you won't; you know dat day 's wuf livin' fu'. Brothah Jackson, how 'd yo' crap o' sweet pertaters tu'n out dis yeah?"

"Fine, fine! I 's got dem mos' plenteous in my cellah."

"Well, don't eat em too fas' in de nex' week, 'ca'se we 'spects to call on you fu' some o' yo' bes'. You know dem big sweet pertaters cut right in two and laid all erroun' de pan teks up lots of de riches' grease when ol' Mistah 'Possum git too wa'm in de oven an' git to sweatin' it out."