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The statement fell like a thunder-clap. No one found voice till the Reverend Isaiah Johnson broke in with, "Wha', what dat you say, Jabez Holly?"

"I say dat's all de 'possum dey is, dat 's what I say."

"Whah's dem othah 'possums, huh! whah's de res'?"

"I put 'em out to freeze las night, an' de dogs got 'em."

A groan went up from the disappointed souls of Mt. Pisgah. But the minister went on: "Whah 'd you hang dem?"

"Up ag'in de side o' de house."

"How 'd de dogs git 'em dah?"

"Mebbe it mout 'a' been cats."

"Why did n't dey git dat un?"

"Why, why 'ca'se— 'ca'se— Oh, don't questun me, man. I want you to know dat I 's a honer'ble man."

"Jabez Holly," said the minister, impressively, "don't lie hyeah in de sanctua'y. I see 'possum grease on yo' mouf."

Jabez unconsciously gave his lips a wipe with his sleeve. "On my mouf, on my mouf!" he exclaimed. "Don't you say you see no 'possum