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"Now I 's a man, Mistah Taf', dat don't do nuffin' in a hu'y. I don' mek up my min' quick 'bout myse'f ner 'bout othah people. But when my min' is made up, it's made up. Now I come up hyeah to cornfide in you 'bout somep'n'. I was mighty glad to hyeah you say de othah day dat yo' 'fections was done sot an' located, because hit meks me free to talk to you 'bout a mattah, seein' dat hit's a mattah of my own 'fections."

"This is ve'y int'rustin', Mistah Dunkin; go on."

"I 's a-cornfidin' in you because you is a young man of presentment an' knows jes' how to pu'sue a co'se of cou'tin'. I unnerstan' dat you is ingaged to Miss Marfy Madison."

Mr. Taft smiled with a sudden accession of modesty, either real or assumed.

"Now, I ain't nevah had no experunce in cou'tin' ladies, because I nevah 'spected to ma'y. But hit's nachul dat a man should change his min', Mistah Taf', 'specially 'bout sich a mattah as matermony."

"Nothin' mo' nachul in de world." "So, when I seed dat it was pos'ble to bring sich a young lady as I hyeahed Miss Callena