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"Do you tell Miss Callena 'bout de houses an' lan'?"

"Oh, yes; I tells huh all about dat."

"What she say?"

"Oh, she jes' smiles."

"I reckon you tol' huh 'bout de hogs an' de chickens an' de hosses?"

"Yes, indeed, I sholy done dat."

"What she do den?" "She jes' smiled."

"Did you th'ow out a hint 'bout me buyin' mo' lan'?"

"Why, co'se I wa' n't go'n' to leave dat paht out."

"Well, den, what did she say?"

"She smiled ag'in."

"Huh! she mus' be a gone smiler. 'Pears to me, 'Lonzo, 'bout time she sayin' somep'n'."

"Oh, she smile 'cause she kin do dat so purty, dat 's de reason she smile."

"Uh huh! Well, go 'long, I mus' be gittin' home."

Alonzo Taft smiled complacently as he passed on. "Yes," he said to himself, "it 'll soon be time fu' Mistah Dunkin to come in an' tek mattahs in his own han's. It'll soon be time."