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Anner 'Lizer's ribbon caught his eye and he gasped: "Bless de Lawd, Sis 'Lizer; you don't mean to tell me dat you's gwin 'bout heah seckin' wid yo' har tied up in ribbon? Whut! tck it off, honey, tek it off; ef yo' wants yo' soul saved, tek it off!"

Anner 'Lizer hesitated, and raised her eyes in momentary protest; but they met the horrified gaze of the old man, and she lowered them again as her hand went reluctantly up to her head to remove the offending bit of finery.

"You sec, honey," Uncle Eben went on, "when you sta'ts out on de Christian jou'ney, you's got to lay aside evry weight dat doeth so easy beset you an' keeps you f'om pergressin'; y' ain't got to think nothin' 'bout pussunal 'dornment; you's jes' got to shet yo' eyes an' open yo' hca't an' say, Lawd, come; you must n't wait fu' to go to chuch to pray, nuther, you mus' pray anywhar an' ev'rywhar. Why, when I was seekin', I ust to go 'way off up in de big woods to pray, an' dere 's whar de Lawd answered me, an' I'm a-rejoicin' to-day in de powah of de same salvation. Honey, you 's got to pray, I tell you. You 's got to brek de backbone of yo' pride an' pray in earnes';