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will cultivate the immaterial side, will establish a great artistic, intellectual, and spiritual hegemony in the world? By such a division our imperial races will supplement each other. One will show the world how to produce, the other how to live. We shall be the halves of a whole.”

Strawbridge followed this dithyramb keenly in regard to the irrigation and development project; the artistic end sounded rather nebulous to him.

“And you've got this far with it,” he particularized, pointing at the red boundary; “what's the next step ?”

The dictator was riding his own hobby now, and he answered without reservation:

“This town, San Geronimo.”

“When are you going to do it?” “We will absorb San Geronimo… Let me see,… Coronel Saturnino, on what date do we attack San Geronimo?”

“On the twenty-third of this month,” came the voice from the back of the study.

“Exactly. We want to incorporate that town with the state of Rio Negro before our flotilla returns up the Amazon from Rio Janeiro.”

“When do you expect them back?”

“Inside of two months.”

“Are they the boats Gumersindo was talking about? He spoke of my going up the Orinoco, crossing to the Amazon, and then going down to Rio Janeiro.”

“Those were the instructions I gave Señor Gumersindo.”

Strawbridge stood looking up at the map. A sudden plan popped into his head.

“Since I 'll be here,” he said, “it wouldn't be a bad plan for me to run along with your army to San Geronimo and see how the trick of absorbing it is done. Give me some notion of the working end of this business.”