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Ord. No. 5 of 2011

60. Transitional provision—registration before commencement of Division 1 of Part 2

Despite section 9(3), if a food importer or food distributor is registered under Part 2 before the date on which Division 1 of that Part commences, the registration has effect, unless revoked earlier, for the period ending 3 years after that date.

61. Transitional provision—orders under section 78B of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance

An order in force under section 78B of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) immediately before the date on which section 68 of this Ordinance commences remains in force on and after that date in accordance with its terms as if it were a food safety order and may be varied or revoked accordingly.

62. Transitional provision—record keeping requirements

(1) Section 21 applies to food that is acquired on or after the date on which that section commences.

(2) Section 22 applies to food that is imported on or after the date on which that section commences whether the food was acquired before, on or after that date.

(3) Section 23 applies to local aquatic products that are supplied on or after the date on which that section commences whether the local aquatic products were captured before, on or after that date.

(4) Section 24 applies to food that is supplied by wholesale on or after the date on which that section commences.

63. Transitional provision—ice-making factories

During the period of 6 months beginning on the date on which section 64(2) commences, a person does not commit an offence under section 35 of the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg. X) for a contravention of section 31(1) of that Regulation only because the person carries on, or causes, permits or suffers to be carried on, a business that manufactures or prepares ice, otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted under that Regulation.