Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/18

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Fig. Page.

36. Comparative Appearance of Breads of Different Kinds, 259
37. A Field of Durum Wheat, 261
38. Drought-resistant Macaroni Wheats (Heads and Grains), 262
39. Potato Starch, 291
40. Potato Starch under Polarized Light, 291
41. Rasping Cylinder for Making Starch, 297
42. Shaking Table for Separating the Starch from the Pulped Potato, 297
43. The Potato Rasping Cylinder Arranged for Work, 298
44. View of Indian Corn Canning Factory, Showing Accumulation of Husks and Cobs, 308
45. Maranta (Arrowroot) Starch, 318
46. A Cassava Field in Georgia, 319
47. Cassava Starch, 321
48. Scuppernong Grape Vine, Roanoke Island, 338
49. Vineyard Near Fresno, California, 339
50. Avocado Tree, 346
51. Fig Tree Thirty Feet High Near Yuba, California, 350
52. Jamaica Mango Tree, 356
53. An Edge of a California Orange Grove, 358
54. The Original Seedless Orange Tree, 359
55. A Group of the Washington Navel Orange on the Tree, 360
56. Covered Pineapple, 361
57. Removing the Oil Cakes from a Cottonseed Press, 400
58. Pecan Tree, 30 Years Old, Morgan City, La., 422
59. Five Forms of Choice, Thin-shelled Pecans. Also Wild Nut Showing Difference
in Size, 423
60. Full Grown Pecan Tree, 425
61. Common Mushroom, Agaricus campestris, 440
62. Edible Mushrooms (Agaricus arvensis Schaeff.), 441
63. Shaggy Mushroom, Coprinus comatus, 442
64. Fairy Ring Formed by Marasmius oreades, an Edible Mushroom, 444
65. Puff-ball, Lycoperdon cyathiforme, Top View, 445
66. Amanita (Full Grown), 446
67. Fly Amanita Buttons (Amanita muscaria), 447
68. Correct Position of a Mature Beet in the Soil, 458
69. Map Showing Temperature Zone in Which the Sugar Beet Attains Its Greatest
Perfection, 459
70. A Field of Beets Ready for Harvesting, 460
71. Beets Ready for Transportation to Factory, 461
72. Diffusion Battery, 462
73. Multiple-effect Evaporating Apparatus, 463
74. Vacuum Strike Pan, 464
75. Sugar Cane Field Ready for Harvest, 465
76. Cane Field Partly Harvested, 466
77. Tapping the Maple Trees, 468
78. Transporting the Sap to the Sugar House, 468
70. Boiling the Maple Sap, 469
80. Small Primitive Mill for Extracting Juice from Sugar Cane for Sirup Making, 473
81. Mill and Evaporating Apparatus for Sirup Making in Georgia, 474
82. Relative Length of Canes Used for Sirup Making, 475
83. Swarm of Bees on Bough of Tree, 487
84. Artificial Bee Hives under Shade of Grape Vine, 488
85. A Frame Containing 24 Boxes of Honey, 489
86. Showing Box of Honey Partially Capped, 490