Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/252

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The important points brought out in the above data are that the percentage of fiber in the unhulled barley is less than one-half that of the unhulled oat, as stated further on, while the percentage of ether extract is only about one-half that of the unhulled oat, and the protein is also decidedly less than in the whole oat.

As has been stated, barley is not very generally used in this country for human food, but is used in this and other countries as an ingredient of soup.

Fig. 22.—Barley Starch. × 200.—(Bureau of Chemistry.)

Protein of Barley.—The following protein compounds are found in barley in proportionate weight to the total weight of the seed:

Leucosin, 0.30 percent
Hordein, 4.00 "
Edestin, 1.95 "
Proteose, 1.95 "
Insoluble protein, 4.50 "

As seen from the above table the most important of the soluble proteins is hordein, which in quantity is almost equal to the insoluble protein of the barley grain. The starch granules of barley are recognized by their distinctive shape and size, as revealed by the microscope. A typical microphotographic view of barley starch is shown in Fig. 22.