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and are irregularly oval. The natural season is from December to August. These fruits are very largely used for making preserves.

The composition of the mamey colorado is as follows:

Composition of Edible Portion—86.10 percent.

Solids, 34.01 percent
Total ash, .80 "
Acid, .10 "
Total sugar, 22.05 "

The analysis shows that the mamey colorado is a fruit which in its edible properties and nutritive value very closely resembles the banana.

Mamey de Santo Domingo (Mammea americana).—This is a fruit extensively used in Cuba and other tropical countries. It is of a light brown color, from three to ten inches in diameter, and weighs sometimes as much as 1-1/2 pounds. The skin is thick and fibrous, the outer surface being tough and covered with small brown spots. The pulp is dark yellow in color, firm, and very juicy. It has a sweet characteristic flavor and a pleasant aromatic odor. The seeds sometimes measure three inches in diameter and cling tenaciously to the pulp. It is very commonly eaten raw and is highly esteemed for preserving purposes.

The composition of the mamey de Santo Domingo is shown in the following table:

Composition of Edible Portion—60.70 percent.

Solids, 14.12 percent
Total ash, .31 "
Acids, .42 "
Protein, .49 "
Total sugar, 9.47 "

The above data show that this fruit is very much less sweet and very much more acid than the mamey colorado and for nutritive purposes is of much less value, but by reason of its greater acidity and higher flavoring it is more suitable for the manufacture of preserves than the fruit resembling it in external appearances and name. It is used extensively in the manufacture of preserves and marmalades which are so similar in composition as not to be distinguished from each other by their chemical analyses.

The compositions of a preserve known as mamey en almibar and a marmalade known as mermelade de mamey are shown in the following table:

                    | Solids. | Total | Acids. | Protein. | Total
                    | | Ash. | | | Sugars.
Mamey en almibar, | 60.05 | .154 | .194 | .363 | 57.45
Mermelade de mamey, | 69.74 | .149 | .123 | .269 | 62.68