Page:Foods and their adulteration; origin, manufacture, and composition of food products; description of common adulterations, food standards, and national food laws and regulations (IA foodstheiradulte02wile).pdf/574

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Regulation 33. Declaration.

(Section 11.)

(a) All invoices of food or drug products shipped to the United States shall have attached to them a declaration of the shipper, made before a United States consular officer, as follows:

I, the undersigned, do solemnly and truly declare that I am the . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the
                                                   (Manufacturer, agent, or shipper.)
merchandise herein mentioned and described, and that it consists of food or drug products
which contain no added substances injurious to health.

These products were grown in . . . . . . . . and manufactured in . . . . . . . . by . . . . . .
                             (Country.) (Country.) (Name
. . . . . . . . during the year . . . . . ., and are exported from . . . . . and consigned to . . . . .
of manufacturer.) (City.) (City.)
The products bear no false labels or marks, contain no/some added coloring matter or preservative
. . . . . . . . ., and are not of a character to cause prohibition or restriction in the
(Name of added color or preservative.)
country where made or from which exported.

Dated at . . . . this . . . . day of . . . ., 19.. .

(Signed): . . . . . . . . . . . .

(b) In the case of importations to be entered at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and New Orleans, and other ports where food and drug inspection laboratories shall be established, this declaration shall be attached to the invoice on which entry is made. In other cases the declaration shall be attached to the copy of the invoice sent to the Bureau of Chemistry.

Regulation 34. Denaturing.

(Section 11.)

Unless otherwise declared on the invoice or entry, all substances ordinarily used as food products will be treated as such. Shipments of substances ordinarily used as food products intended for technical purposes must be accompanied by a declaration stating that fact, and must be so denatured as to prevent their use as foods.

Regulation 35. Bond, Imported Foods, and Drugs.

(Section 11.)

Unexamined packages of food and drug products may be delivered to the consignee prior to the completion of the examination to determine whether the same are adulterated or misbranded upon the execution of a penal bond by the consignee in the sum of the invoice value of such goods with the duty added, for the return of the goods to customs custody.

Regulation 36. Notification of Violation of the Law.

(Section 11.)

If the sample on analysis or examination be found not to comply with the law, the importer shall be notified of the nature of the violation, the time and place at which final action will be taken upon the question of the exclusion of the shipment, and that he may be present, and submit evidence, which evidence (Form 15), with a sample of the article, shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Chemistry at Washington, accompanied by report card (Forms 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20).

Regulation 37. Appeal to the Secretary of Agriculture and Remuneration.

(Section 11.)

All applications for relief from decisions arising under the execution of the law should be addressed to the Secretary of Agriculture, and all vouchers or accounts for remuneration