Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/18

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  1. That the goal-posts be 8 yards apart.
  2. That the game be commenced by a place-kick from the centre of the ground.
  3. The losing side should be entitled to the kick-off.
  4. The goals should be changed after each goal is won.
  5. That when the ball is out of bounds it should be kicked or thrown in straight by the person who should first touch it down.

The discussion of the proposed laws was a week later resumed, and it was resolved that in addition to the rules amended to be drawn up at the last meeting, the Hon. Secretary should draw up rules to be submitted to a subsequent meeting, to the effect that—

  1. A player is "out of play" immediately he is in front of the ball, and must return behind the ball as soon as possible. If the ball is kicked by his own side past a player, he may not touch or kick it, or advance until one of the other side has first kicked it, or one of his own side on a level with or in front of him has been able to kick it.
  2. In case the ball goes behind the goal-line. If the side to whom the goal belongs touches the ball down, one of that side to be entitled to a free kick from the goal-line opposite the place where the ball is touched down. If touched down by one of the opposite side, one of such side shall be entitled to a free kick (place or drop) from a point fifteen yards outside the goal-line opposite the place where the ball is touched down.
  3. A player is to be entitled to run with the ball in his hands if he makes a fair catch, or catches the ball on the first bound.
  4. A player may be hacked on the front of the leg below the knee while running with the ball.