Page:Footprints of former men in far Cornwall.djvu/24

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Footprints in Far Cornwall

and to breathe the Gospel of the Trinity on the startled ear of the Keltic barbarian. Let us close this theme of thought with a few faint echoes from the River of the West:—

"Fount of a rushing river! wild flowers wreathe
    The home where thy first waters sunlight claim:
 The lark sits hushed beside thee while I breathe,
    Sweet Tamar spring, the music of thy name!

 On! through thy goodly channel, to the sea:
    Pass amid heathery vale, tall rock, fair bough,
 But never more with footsteps pure and free,
    Or face so meek with happiness as now!

 Fair is the future scenery of thy days,
    Thy course domestic, and thy paths of pride;
 Depths that give back the soft-eyed violet's gaze;
    Shores where tall navies march to meet the tide!

 Thine, leafy Tetcott, and those neighbouring walls,
    Noble Northumberland's embowered domain:
 Thine, Cartha Martha, Morwell's rocky falls,
    Storied Cotehele, and ocean's loveliest plain.

 Yet false the vision, and untrue the dream,
    That lures thee from thy native wilds to stray:
 A thousand griefs will mingle with that stream:
    Unnumbered hearts shall sigh those waves away.

 Scenes fierce with men thy seaward current laves,
    Harsh multitudes will throng thy gentle brink;
 Back ! with the grieving concourse of thy waves;
    Home! to the waters of thy childhood shrink!