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is seen. Among the professors he found one whom he had known twenty years earlier in London. "Such unexpected renewals of acquaintance may be numbered among the most pleasing incidents of life. The knowledge of one professor soon procured me the notice of the rest, and I did not want any token of regard."[1] He had the freedom


of the city conferred upon him. In acknowledging the honour he compliments the town at the expense of England, by mentioning a circumstance which, he says, "I am afraid I should not have had to say of any city south of the Tweed; I found no petty officer bowing for a fee."[3] With Lord Monboddo he was never on friendly terms. "I knew that they did not love each other," writes Boswell, with a studied softness of expression. Yet Johnson in his narrative praises "the magnetism of his conversation."[4] With Lord Auchinleck he had that violent altercation which the unfortunate piety of the son forbade the biographer to exhibit for the entertainment of the public. Nevertheless, he only mentions his antagonist to compliment him.[5] If he attacked Presbyterianism, yet to the Presbyterian ministers in the Hebrides he was unsparing of his praise. He celebrates their learning, which was the more admirable as they were men "who had no motive to study but generous curiosity or desire of usefulness."[6] However much he differed from "the learned Mr. Macqueen" about Ossian, yet he admits that "his knowledge and politeness give him a title equally to kindness and respect."[7] With

  1. Works, p. 11.
  2. See Appendix.
  3. Works, p. 14.
  4. Ib. p. 10.
  5. Ib. pp. 30, 159.
  6. Ib. p. 102.
  7. Ib. p. 54.