Page:Ford, Kissinger, Mexican Foreign Secretary Emilio Rabasa - August 29, 1974(Gerald Ford Library)(1552771).pdf/3

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Rabasa: It helps us to have you have your good relations with the Congress.

President: Henry has mentioned the idea of Echeverria and I getting together in one of the border areas.

Rabasa: Yes, in one of the salinity areas. Henry called Echeverria and he was very pleased. I understand the end of October. May I tell the press you asked Echeverria to meet with you this year, at a time and place to be set? Please don't meet with any other Latin American leader first.

President: Don't narrow it down more. The last week in October seems to be great.

Rabasa: Mexicali would be good. On our side of the border in the morning and the other side in the afternoon.

Kissinger: And again the next day.

Rabasa: Echeverria went all over Latin America. There are very many differences in the military regimes -- from so-called revolutionary regimes in Peru to the radical right in Chile.

There is word we don't want private investment. That is not so. We only don't want bad investment. Especially we want industry for export. Some companies' presidents say they are not for export. That is very bad -- they are just milking us. In many areas investment is welcome.

President: I used to be on the board of directors of a small company which had a monopoly on woven and printed labels for material. We made an agreement with the company in Payon and later in Mexico. In Mexico, the plant is in a small town. Our people had a warm reception, and we sent the merchants down, and everything was fine.

Rabasa: We have a law, but if they meet the conditions we welcome them.