Page:Forma breve de administrar los sacramentos a los Indios, y Españoles que viven entre ellos (1635).djvu/43

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NOw my Children, you are married in the Christian way following the order of the Holy Church. I entrust to you what our Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted: that you love each other, that you be faithful to each other, and that you help one another. The causes of quarrels between you are usually because the husband is lazy and does not dig, nor give his wife guano and firewood; or the woman does not take care of planting, and guarding the savannah, and house: each one go to do what they should, and do not start quarrels. Know how to hide these and be patient, and do not complain and murmur because of little things. The man is the head of the woman and house, as Christ is of the Church, and thus he must love her, and look after her; and she will obey him in what he commands unless it is a sin; honor and serve him, not out of fear but out of love. In this way you will live happy and content in this life, and then afterward, God will give you eternal life. In the Timucuan language.

¶ Sermon to the couple after the Mass in their language.
