Page:Formal Complaints about the Conduct of The Right Honourable Dominic Raab MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State for Justice.pdf/17

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73. I decided who should be interviewed. A total of 66 interviews were held, mostly in person and some by video conference. I conducted all of the interviews myself. If and to the extent appropriate, I sought to test the accounts provided, although I did not conduct (or purport to conduct) what might be regarded as a cross-examination. The interviews commenced on 20 December 2022. The last interview took place on 3 April 2023. I am grateful to all those interviewed, and all those who provided written contributions, for their cooperation and participation, particularly in circumstances where it must have been difficult for many to do so.

74. Each interviewee was entitled to be accompanied by a colleague or, where relevant, a trade union officer, acting purely in a supporting role. No legal representation was permitted at any interview.

75. A member of my Cabinet Office team attended every interview in order to take a note. A draft of the interview note was provided to each interviewee. The notes were prepared to a high standard of detail and accuracy. In most cases, subject to minor or incidental corrections, the notes were agreed. In a few cases, individuals did not respond to requests to approve the notes of their interview; in the absence of any objection, and in view of the quality of the note-taking, I have treated the notes in such instances as agreed. Some individuals wished to make additional comments or contributions; this was acceptable albeit that such matters were treated separately rather than as corrections to the note of interview.

76. At appropriate points in the process, and with the assistance of the Cabinet Office team, I considered all of the evidence so far obtained in relation to each of the DExEU Complaint, the FCDO Complaint and the MoJ Complaints. I carried out an exercise in selection of the material to be put to the DPM for his response. Separately in relation to each of the DExEU Complaint, the FCDO Complaint and the MoJ Complaints, I provided the DPM with a copy of the Complaint (or Complaints in the case of MoJ) and a summarised written statement of the additional matters arising from the investigation on which I sought his response. Where relevant, I provided supplementary or revised summaries to the DPM to take account of further evidence.

77. Following receipt of each of these packs of materials in relation to the FCDO Complaint and the MoJ Complaints, the DPM made a number of requests for documents. With