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1726. Hueber Lithographic Wirceburgensis specimen primum. Fol. Wirceburg. This work contains the first reference to fossil Lepicloptera which I have found. In his Synopsis Tabellarurn, he gives on page 94 :

"Tabula XV. Similium insectorum alatorum Papilionum videlicet diversas species;" but the plates are too rude to be of the slightest value or even to indicate the suborder to which the insects may belong.

1729. Bromell. Lithographia Suecana. Acta Litteraria Sueciae, II. In a section de apidibus insectiferis Seanicis et Qothicis (p. 525) he says:

"Praeter urabratiles etenim papilionum vel muscarum quasdara imagines, lapicli huic levitcr sed distincte impressas, multa scarabaeorum flguras, mole totaque facie imitantur;" these were found in " saxo foetido" in " Westrogothia."

"In his enumeration of fossils he specifies further:

"[528]. "9. Papilionum majorum ac minorum imagines et impressiones nitidse, in lapidecalcario communi inodoro, ubi etiam in alio foetido conspicuie, ex eisdem Westrogothise locis."

"[529]. "10. Insectorum ovula, an uyinphse seu aurelia; lapideae? saxo foetido nigricanti immersae. Ex eadem paraciakarabylonga."

"[531]. "14. Papilionum miuorum imagines et impressiones, in ejusdem generis saxo suillo foetido. Ex eodem loco. Hae itidem figura sua a papilionibus illis differre hand videntur, quarum superius Num. 9. meminimus."

"I find no later reference to these supposed Lepidoptera.

1742. Sendelius. Historia succinorum. Fol. Lipsise.

Devotes a chapter (De Erucis, pp. 169-171) to supposed remains of caterpillars and chrysalides in amber. Several forms are figured (pi. 5, figs. 25-28; pi. 6, figs. 1-4), of which it is not impossible that pi. 6, fig. 1, may represent a Papilionid larva; and pi. 6, fig. 4, the chrysalis of a Nymphalid; but the illustrations are wholly insufficient to assert anything of them with confidence.

1828. MARCEL DE SERRES. Note sur les Arachnicles et les Insectes fossiles. et specialement sur ceux cles terrains d'eau douce. Ann. Sc. Nat., XV, 98-108,

This is an extract only from the next citation.
