Page:Four Songs- Annandale Robin; The Blue Yed Lassie; The Birks of Aberfeldy; For A' That and A' That WDL3367.pdf/2

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Young Robin had been at the market,
And hired himsel wi' Craigfast;
Forbye the wee drap in his noddle,
Had got a' the wages he asked,
He, wha had been touned out wi' tenants,
Would soon be head man to the laird—
A point at baith shearing and mawin,
And bigs a' the ricks i' the yard.

It's right ay for lads to live canty
And lasses till they get a man;
For fouks to be social and sober,
And ay as content as they can.

The moor-hags were wide—but he stenn'd them
He staptnae for stick nor for stane
Till down by the scroggs o' Congailly,
He met bonny Bet a' her lane.
Ae luck on the back o' anither;
He lang wished her kindness to seek;
Nae scene could be sweeter for wooin,
What time was he fitter to speak?
It's right ay for lads to live canty, &c.