Page:Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade (1906).djvu/25

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Battle of Monocacy—Skirmish at Winchester—In Line at Cedar Creek–Battle of Winchester or Opequon—Early Retreats Up the Valley–Thrilling Adventures.

Death of Lieutenant Meigs, U. S. A.—Battle of Cedar Creek.

The Last of Company A—Attempts to Wade the Potomac—Capture of McFern.

Lets McFern Escape—Captured by the "Jessie Scouts"—On the Road to Prison.

Prisoners on the March—Two Escape—Arraigned Before Sheridan—Treated as Guerrillas—At Fort McHenry.

Lee Surrenders—Lincoln Assassinated—Released From Prison–Oath of Allegiance.

Arrives at Home—Neither a Hero Nor a Coward.

Justice to Absentees—Roster of Company A—Roster of the Officers of the 33d Regiment, Stonewall Brigade, 1st Division, and 2d Corps, with list of Killed, Wounded and Prisoners.

A Few Opinions—Devotion of the Soldiers—A Rebel Colonel Resents the Hissing of the Stars and Stripes in a London Theatre—Union Soldiers Protect Rebel Soldiers in Baltimore.

Conclusion—Tribute to the Women of the South—Their Appeal to the Soldiers—Romantic Letter of War Times.

Southern Songs and Poems.
