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( 3 )

this maid went to the barn;
And for to make the Tinkers bed
the farmers daughter went;
Which pleased the young mans fancy;
and furthered his intent.

The Tinker being cunning,
he nimbly barred the door;
And took the young maid in his arms;
and laid her on the floor,
He laid her down upon the floor;
among the pease straw;
And there he got his will of her;
before he let her go

The lassie sighed and then she blushed;
and wow but she thought shame;
Now since you have got your will of me;
I pray tell me your name:
He softly whispered in her ear;
they call me Davie Fa;
And if I come this way again;
you will mind the pease-straw.

I will give you fifty guineas;
to pay the nourice-fee;
And you chance to have a son;
a double it shall be:
And if you ly with me this night;
among the pease-straw.
My dear youll have the money;