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I told him of the errand I'd been,
when he takes me by the hand,
I'm glad to hear my boy says he,
what are you going to stand?

Says I I doesn t mind a drop
my spirits (illegible text)ouse;
So then we (illegible text) in a shop.
near to Somerset house.
Inside a lot began to shout,
as if't had been a plan;
It is not often we get you out,
now what are you going to stand?

I spent, sir, very near a crown,
my cash was getting shorter,
For the liquor went (illegible text)ling down,
as though it had been water.
A wench began my arm to shake,
I could her hide have tann'd.
When she said for old acquaintance sake,
what are you going to stand?

Thinks I, egad this will not do,
so I bolted from the lot;
But run against a man I knew,
ere a hundred yards I got;
I told him of the crew I met,
says he I understand;
Now you've escap'd from such a lot,
what are you going to stand?