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Ah! Sally my love, 'twas a very bad plan,
To cut me, and choose the ninth part of a man,
She thought in eloping so funny and tricky,
With poor Dicky Awl it would soon be all Dicky

If Bill and my rib should get into a fray,
He may sell her by auction the next market day,
If nobody bids for the sweet pretty elf,
Knock her down my dear Billy and keep her yourself.


When I've money I am merry,
When I've none I'm very sad,
When I'm sober I am civil,
When I'm drunk I'm roaring mad:
With my fal, lal, tidle tum,
  Likewise toodle, teedle, tum;
Not forgetting titherin I,
  And also folderoodle um.

When disputing with a puppy,
I convince him with a rap,