Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/91

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and power. And then let him rest a little, looking about him; to see if any Spirit do appear; which if he delay, then let him repeat his invocation, as abovesaid, until he hath done it three times; and if the Spirit be pertinacious, obstinate, and will not appear, then let him begin to conjure with divine power; so also that the conjurations and all his commemorations do agree with the Nature and Offices of the Spirit himself, and reiterate the same three times, from stronger to stronger, using Objurgations, Contumeries, Cursings, & Punishments, and suspension from his Office and power and the like.

And after all the courses are finished, then cease a little; and if any Spirit shall appear, let the Invocant turn himself towards the Spirit, and courteously receive him, and earnestly intreating him, let him first require his name, and if he be called by any other name: and then proceeding further, let him ask him whatsoever he will: and if in any thing the Spirit shall shew himself obstinate or lying, let him be bound by convenient conjurations: and if you doubt of any lye, make without the Circle with the consecrated Sword, the figure of a triangle or [2]Pentagone, and compel the Spirit to enter into it and if thou receivest any promise which thou wouldst have to be confirmed with an Oath, let him stretch the sword out of the Circle, and swear the Spirit, by laying his hand upon the Sword.

2 A character with five corners.

Chapter xiii.

Then having obtained of the Spirit that which you desire, or are otherwise contented, license him to depart with courteous words, giving command unto him, that he do no hurt: and if he will not depart, compel him by powerful conjurations; and if need require, expel him by Exorcismes, and by making contrary fumigations. And when he is departed, go not out of the Circle, but make a stay, making prayer, and giving of thanks unto God and the good Angels, and also praying for your defence and conservation: and then all those things being orderly performed, you may depart.

Chapter xiv.

But if your hope be frustrated, and no Spirits will appear, yet for this do not despair; but leaving the Circle, return again at other times, doing as before. And if you shall judge