Page:Fourth Folio (1685) - Miami University.djvu/841

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3 ] apenny; but fince you cannot keep it,chil keep it my felf.


  • His hands made only for to heave up packs:

| His heart as fat and big as his face, . Asdiffering far from all brave gallant minds,

| She fpeaks fo prettily, I pray what’s i'our name?

Thé London Prodigd.


Delias Here Brother Flowerdale, 'le lend you this fame

money. Flow. 1thank you, Sifter. Oliv. 1 wad you were yfplit, and you let the mezel have

Are, *Tis pity to relieve him in this fort, Who makes a triumphant life his daily fport.

Delia. Brother, you fee how all men cenfuse you, Farewel, and I pray God amend your life,

Oliv. Come,chil bring you along, and you fafe enough From twenty fuch fcoundrells as thick an one is, Farewel and be hanged, zyrrah, as Ithink fo thou Wilt be thortly, come, Sit Arehur.

[Exennt all bue Flowerdale.

Flow. A plague go with you for a karlie rafcal :

This Devonfhire man 1 think is made all of Pork,

As I1o ferve the Hoggs, and drink with Hinds,

As | am very near now : well what remedy,

When money, means, and friends, do grow fo fmall, Then farewel life, and there’sanend of all.

CExennt omnes,

Enter Father, Luce kike 4 Dutch Frow, Civet, and his wife Miftre[s Frances.

Civ, By my troth God a mercy for this, good Chrifopher, I thank thee for my maid, like her very well,how doft thou like her, Frances ?

Fran. Ingood fadnefs, Tom, very well, excellent well,

Luce, My name, forfooth, be call nikin.,

Fran, By my troth a fine name : O Tanskin, youare ex- cellent for drefling ones head a new fafhion.

Lnce. Me fall do every ting about da head.

Civ. What Country woman is fhe, Keffer 2

Fath, A Dutch woman, Sir.

Civ. Why then fhe is outlandifh, is fhe not?

Fath. 1, Sir, fhe is.

Fran. O then thou canst tell how to help me to cheeks and Ears?

Luce. Yes, mistress, very vell,

Fath. Cheeksand ears, why, miftrels Frances, want you cheeks and ears? methinks you have very fair ones.

Fran. Thou art a Fool inded, Tom, thou knoweft what I mean.

Gu. I, 1, Kefter, *tis fuch as they wear a their heads, I prethee, Kiz, have her in, and fhew her my houfe.,

Fath. 1 will; Sir, come T anikin.

Fran, O Tom, you have not bufled me to day, Tom. Civ. No Frances, we mult not kifs afore folks,

God fave my Franck_,

Enter Delia, and Artichoak.

See yonder, my Sifter Delis is come, welcome, good Sifter. Fran. Welcome, good Sifter, how do you like the tire of my head? Delia, Very well, Sifter. Giv. 1am glad you’re come, Sifter Delia, to give order for Supper, they will be here foon. Arti. 1, but if good luck had not ferved, fhe had Not been here now, filching Flawerdale had like To pepper’d us, but for mafter Oliver, we had been robbed. - - '

Delia. Peace, firrah, no more.

Farh, Robbed ! by whom?

Marry by nonebut by Flowerdale, he is turned

thief, -

Civ. By my faith,but that is not well,but God be praifed For your efcape, will you draw near, Sifter ?

was my mafter, a robbed you, I prethee tell metrue ? Ares, Yes i'Faith, even that Flewerdale, that was thy mafter. .- Fath. Hold thee, thereis a French Crown, and fpeak no more of tliis. o Arti. Not I,not a word, now do I {mell knavery Inevery purfe £.owerdale takes, he is half: And gives me tais to keepcounfel, not a word I Fath, Why God a Mercy. — Fran, Sifter, look here, 1have a new Dutch maid, And fhe fpeaks 1o fine, it would do your heart good. Civ. How doyoulike her, Sifter ? Del. 1 like your maid well, o e Cwv. Well, dear Sifter, will you draw near, and give diretions for fupper,guelts will be here prefently. Del. Yes,Brotner, lead the way, I’le follow you. . . [ Exeunt all bur Delia and Luce.

Hark you,Dutch Frow,a word. Luce. Vatis your vill wit me? Del, Sifter Luce, ’tis not your broken language, Nor this fame habit, can difguife your face From I that know you, pray tell me, what means this Luce. Silter, I fee you know me, yet be fecret : This borrowed fhape that 1 have tane upon me, Is but to keep my felf a fpace unknown, Both from my Father, and my neareft friends : Uatil 1 fee how time will bring to pafs, The defperate courfe of Mafter Flowerdale. Del. O he is worfe than bad, I prithee leave him, And let not once thy heart to think on him. Luce. Do not perfwade me once to fuch a thought, Imagine yet, that he is worfe than nought : Yet one lovers time may all that ill undo, That all his former life did run into. Therefore, kind Sifter, do not difclofe my eftate, 1f e’re his heart doth turn, ’tis ne’re too late. Del. Well, feeing no counfel can remove your mind, P’le not difclofe you, that art wilful blind,

Luce. Delia. | thank you, I now muftpleafe her Eyes, My Sifter Frances, neither fair nor wife,

Enter Flowerdale Solus,

Flow. On goes he that knows no end of his journey, I have paffed the very utmoft bounds of fhifting, [ have nocourfe now but to hang my felf : I have lived fince yefterday twoa clock, of a Spice-cake I had at a burial : and for drink, I gotit at an Ale-houfe among Porters, fuchas Will bear out a man, if he have no mony indeed. I mean out of their companies, for they are men Of good carriage. Who comes here ? _ The two Cony-catchers, that won all my mony of me. Ple try if they’ll lend meany.

Enter Dick and Rafe,

What Mr. Richard, how do you? _ How do’ft thou, Rafe # By God, gentlemen, the world Grows bare with me, will youdo as much as lend Me an Angel between you both, you know you Won a hundred of me the other day.

Rafe. How, an Angel ? God damn us if we loft not every Pepny within an hour after thou wert gone.

I’le pay you again, aslam a Gentleman. Rafe. PFaith, we have nota farthing, nota mite::

[ wonderat it, Mr. Flowerdale,

You will fo carelefly undo your felf:

Why you will lofe more money inan hour,

Than any honeft man {pendsina year

For thame betake you to fome honeft Trade,

And live not thus fo like a Vagabond.

Fath. Sicrah, come hither, would Flowerdale, he that

Flow. A Vagabond indeed, more villains you : They


Flo. | prithee lend me fo much as will pay for my fupper; |

C Exeunt

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