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A few more hurried words—blessings scarce noted at the time, but dearly remembered afterwards, and they parted. The ilex boughs closed behind the light form of the maiden, while the young Englishman sprang rapidly down the narrow path leading to the inn whence he was to start on the morrow by daybreak.

It matters little to trace the rapidity of the land journey, or the monotony of the sea voyage—alike unmarked by adventure. Robert Evelyn landed at Southampton, and immediately procured horses for himself and two servants; for his father's house lay some twenty miles inland.

"I would have you look to your pistols, young gentleman," said the landlord. Robert stared at such advice in England; but the many suspicious-looking individuals and groups that he passed, made him rejoice at having followed it. It was obvious that their bold and prepared bearing kept more than one party at bay.

Well known as every inch of the country was to Evelyn, he paused more than once to gaze upon its unfamiliar appearance. Fields which he remembered yellow with the waving corn lay fallow, though the month was June; and one or two that bore signs of a luxuriant crop were trampled down, and the wheat was rotting on the ground.