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fan ornamented with bunches of straw tied with blue riband, and half Paris shouting at the sight."

Francesca made no reply; Mademoiselle was so overflowing with happiness at her return to the court, that it was absolute cruelty to make an allusion to the dangerous past. Refinement and amusement, like knowledge, are so diffused now-a-days, that an exile from the royal circle would be a nominal punishment; but it then included every species of privation. The theatre—at that era such a resource—balls, fêtes, &c., to say nothing of worldly influence, were all forfeited by a banishment from court, the centre of all the pleasures, variety, and ambition of society.

"I look upon to-day, Mademoiselle," said the Cardinal, "As the reward of my anxiety for your return. I have, indeed, not been master of the obstacles which opposed it."

"I can assure you," replied the Princess, "you are but little aware how I used to take your part, when my father was most enraged against you. I always said things would be exactly as they are."

Memory has many conveniences, and, among others, that of foreseeing things as they have afterwards happened.

The dinner-hour being near, Mademoiselle