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"Many falsehoods are told from interest, many from ill-nature, but from vanity most of all."

The return of the Duc de Mercœur added, if possible, to the gaiety of Compiegne; and the Duchesse gave a fête in its honour. Everything then was expressed by a fête; saints were worshipped, mistresses flattered, ministers courted, victories celebrated, sentiments affiched—and all by a fête. Francesca greatly enjoyed the preparations—the pleasant part of a festival. For the truth of this, ask any young person you please. No entertainment, however brilliant, to which you merely go, can at all equal the delights of one where you have assisted from the original idea of the giving to the actual accomplishment of its being given. Your taste has been consulted, and your self-love enlisted in its cause; your advice has been asked, and, consequently, you have a personal interest in its success. Your time has