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worthy to be one of those much-enduring heroines of your line, on whose merits it so delighted your poor old grandfather to dwell."

"And when I remember," said Francesca, "the stiff red and blue figures he used to exhibit, the saints and my forefathers forgive me for saying, the blessed Virgin keep me from the resemblance!"

"But see what it is," cried the Duchesse, "to enact the part of confidante! I am actually forgetting, and you too, Francesca, the important duties of the toilette. Come, come, we must make haste; for in a little while I expect to be overwhelmed with congratulations on the success of my charming fête; and you must prepare for not a few compliments on your own appearance—and, indeed, I never saw you look better."

So saying, the little knot broke up; Francesca greatly relieved to think the disclosure was made.

The following evening was the one previous to their meditated return to Paris—a resolution somewhat suddenly taken, in consequence of the King's intention to visit Sedan, and inspect the proceedings of the army. Among the visitors who crowded in to express their regret that Compiegne, still so beautiful, was about to be deserted, was the Chevalier de Joinville. He took the earliest