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feelings did I write the first! Alas, the folly of hope—the certain disappointment which awaits on all earthly expectation!"

For a few minutes she could not see to write for her blinding tears; but the emotion was subdued, and the hurried scroll once began was soon written; for when she came to give expression to her feelings, the sense of injustice steadied her hand, and dried up her tears. The letter contained the following words:—

"Before these lines meet your eye I shall bear another name, and own another duty than yours. I do not implore for pardon; the child who forgets a parent's love in a new and less sacred affection may well kneel in the very dust for forgiveness; but such forgetfulness is not mine. You do not—you never did love me; you will not miss me, and anger in your mind will be utterly unsoftened by regret. I cannot help this. I complain only of my adverse fortune. Had I grown up beside your hearth, a thousand endearing recollections would have bound me to your care. But I was forced upon you. I came connected with a thousand unwelcome associations; and the unfortunate death of my brother turned every thought of me into pain. The kind word, and kinder look, have