Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/132

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Rare Earth

But there was something alluring, too, about following the plow across the fragrant fields in the moonlight. It was an excellent time to give to dreams and immortal longings. And all those dreams were of the comfort and happiness he was going to draw from the soil for his wife and Enoch. It was pleasant to muse about his boy. He wondered what Enoch would be when he grew up. He hoped he'd be a farmer. A farmer can work hard. No one can force him to be idle by disregarding his very existence. He can accomplish things. He need not depend on a fair skin for success. His life is marred by fewer disappointments.

During those years Linda was very happy. She had all the treasures that life affords. A simple house that she adored, a thoughtful husband and a handsome baby. There weren't many children anywhere that had larger, darker and more beautiful eyes than Enoch. From the very first he turned to the fields. He liked to follow his daddy about at his work.

Sometimes Benda permitted him to drive

the horse while he himself guided the plow.
