Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/24

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Rare Earth

before Jethro realized that his son was blind. Scobee had tried to hide it from everyone. Then one day suddenly Jethro knew what it was that accounted for the unnatural quietude that had descended upon the house. There was something wrong with Scobee. He commenced studying him at every opportunity without Scobee's being aware of his scrutiny. And then at last he knew. As full comprehension came to him of the awful horror that had come to his house, he did not cry out, nor did he even make known to anyone his discovery. His face became a trifle more gaunt and sad.

He rose to his feet and strode from the dining-room, his meal untouched. Out into the fields he went, trying to escape reality. But one cannot escape the unescapable. At last he was far out in the fields. There was no one near him. There were no houses nearby. He was utterly alone. The sun streamed down brightly despite the fact that it was early winter. Everything appeared the same as ever, yet everything had changed. He flung out his

arms in mute supplication. For months and
