Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/287

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Rare Earth

him. So I picked him up and put him inside my coat to warm. Even then he suffered terribly and I could feel his body quivering against mine. I knew he'd die of exposure unless I stopped for a bit at a farm-house. Yours was the first I chanced upon."

"We are glad to have you," declared Hung Long Tom. "The chance passerby who wishes to rest is always welcome here. Throw off your coat and come in with us by the fire."

The stranger complied after which Hung Long Tom introduced him to Jethro Trent, Scobee and Roma.

"I don't know your name," he said, "but anyway this is the family of Trent."

"Names," said the stranger, "after all, what are names?"

As the man spoke Jethro Trent recognized him as the wayfarer with whom he had talked in the early summer on the Joel farm. It was distinctly a pleasure to meet him once again.

"You are right," agreed Jethro, "names mean nothing. The only things that draw men

together are mutual interests. I am glad that
