Page:Frank Owen - Rare Earth, 1931.djvu/74

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Rare Earth

the Y. M. C. A. at which Margaret Wilson was to sing. He did not find me until it was too late to go. But I probably wouldn't have gone anyway because of the General Admission. One can't be too careful in the army. Speaking of standing armies, we're certainly living up to the position to the letter. I told Scobee there is nothing so tremendously wonderful about winning a war. All you got to do is get a lot of men and a lot of standing room and let them stand there. Then get more men and more standing room. That's all there is to it. Anyway that's how this war is being fought. One would almost think that if the American Army sat down for a change, it'd be annihilated. Anyway, Ma, you haven't a thing to worry about. We're bound to be victorious unless we get fallen arches. I understand Baker is in town. We ought to have some good biscuits tomorrow. . . . And now as I am giving an outline of the war, I think I ought to mention the financial side of it. A few moments ago I carried some trunks upstairs for a

lieutenant and was tipped a quarter. Can you
