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"Well, then there is only one thing to do. I will make you a special offer. It may sound ridiculous, but nevertheless I am perfectly serious. If you will hire me as your chauffeur, of course under an assumed name, I will not hold you to your contract."

Roger Patterson sat speechless with surprise.

"Of course," continued Barney, "I admit the suggestion sounds idiotic, but whether it is or not is not for you to decide. I might say, however, that I desire adventure and the humor of such a situation appeals to me. I wish to be treated exactly like a chauffeur. My position will be to run your car. There our business dealings will end. Now it's up to you to accept this offer or refuse it. Don't let me influence you. Suit yourself. The matter is of slight importance to me."

"But to me it is momentous!" exclaimed Roger Patterson. "Therefore, although I do not know your hidden reason for this offer, I accept. There is nothing else for me to do."

"No," was the cynical reply. "The result in any case is approximately the same. If I didn't drive the car for you, I'd be driving it for myself, so what's the difference?"