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which he drank was made bitter by the dregs of remorse. It was then that hatred for me sprang up in his heart. When he heard of Berenice, his hatred increased, for he thought, and has always thought, that she is his daughter, Catherine Lucio's child, and that is why he plotted my destruction."

Berenice and Anniston were silent as he spoke in his soft, slow way, and after a moment's silence he called abruptly, "Haji!"

In reply a servant entered the room.

"Bring me my treasure chest!" commanded Sorcha decisively, and as the man silently withdrew to do his bidding, he turned to Anniston. "I have sent for my box of jewels," he said. "I mean to let you take your pick, to have any one you desire as a mark of my esteem for what you have done for me."

Anniston flushed, and rose to his feet. "I thank you for your offer from the bottom of my heart," he murmured softly, "and have already chosen."

"You have?" ejaculated Menehem Sorcha in great surprise. "Which is your choice?"

For a moment the American hesitated, then he said softly, "I choose Berenice, the finest jewel of all."

The old man seemed dazed by Anniston's reply and for a few seconds he gazed silently from one to the other. In both of their eyes he read the same plea—love. Where love reigns, fathers should not interfere.

And then, "A bargain's a bargain," he said cheerfully. "I always keep my word. But how can I give you what you already have?"